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"The moment someone tells you you're not good enough, is the moment you know you're better than them - Annas Easkey"

Lebaran X: Online Hijab Boutique


Paris Muslimah Fashion Photoshoot 2012 (Lebaran X) menampilkan 12 Online/Offline hijab boutique yang mana setiap satu mempunyai ciri dah kekuatan yang mungkin menarik minat anda semua untuk shopping! sudah! tak payah nak formal sangat annas! lemme start with Online Hijab Boutique yang mana koleksi hijab dari butik ni memang terlalu curlass! disebabkan ini entri pertama bagi sesi photoshoot ni, annas nak cerita sedikit sebanyak mengenai pengembaraan kami berdua di kota paris! 

2 minggu sebelum berlepas ke Paris, nak dijadikan cerita. kami dok bincang, it was unplanned! seriously seriously! mesti korang semua ingat annas dan fatin suhana plan dah lama kan? nope! two weeks plan, kami buat proposal dan contract! approach all the companies then BOOM! off we go!! menarik k

Online Hijab Boutiqe, apa istimewa butik ni? menampilkan koleksi hijab yang sememangnya curlass dan setiap perincian manik yang digunakan memang sangatlah cantik! kalo beli untuk emak ofkos mak akan suka tersenyum lebar! masa shoot ni, kami shoot di Lourve Muzeum, Paris! manusia susah nak gambarkan! terlalu ramai! jadi kami pilih The Lourve dan The Pont Des Arts yang mana semua mangga kunci dilekatkan di jambatan ni, konon2 kalo kita lock mangga kat jambatan tu kasih akan bersemi hingga ke akhir hayat la! ewah! so jom kita lihat koleksi Online Hijab Boutique atau korang boleh perg terus ke plaza damas, sri hartamas ok! alamat? search kat website mereka! lets go!

special thanks to Pearl by Eisya Syakira! for the gorgeous Leopard Gardigan,  me love it so much! more and more photos coming! jangan lupa untuk check my blog out for next entries yang menampilkan 12 Online/Offline Boutique yang memang curlass dan menawan hati. hey ho lets go! you can tweet me at www.twitter.com/AnnasEaskey or just check my facebook page out at www.facebook.com/AnnasEaskeyPhotography thank you so much all! next entry please!!

please note that all photography is solely own by annas easkey photography and can only be used with strict permission from the artist. it is not allowed to download, to store, to copy, to reproduce, to use or to modify the images in any way, alone or in any other context, without the written permission, phone call or email or inbox to annas easkey in advance

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  1. yaaa..next entry pleasee!!! hehehe...

  2. where can i get that hot pink blazer? cantik!!!

  3. where can i get that hot pink blazer? and the gorgeous dark navy skirt? cantik!!!

    1. boleh search di facebook: PEARL BY EISYA SYAKIRA

  4. AWESOME shoot bro! nice pictures. Model juga beri good expression...
    salam kunjungan dari saya..

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Fatin paling rapat gan u ye... senang u model adik je.. fatin mmg cntik.. entry lg la.. x puas tgk

  7. pehhhhh,nape la cantik photo dari abg annas ni,dah jatuh cinta !

  8. subhanaALLAH,cantiknya fatin suhana..btw,suka sgt hasil annas :)

  9. Wow semua gambar lawar dalam blog ni... Terus follow...

  10. Do you have an email that i can easily contact you? I'm interested in modelling (fyi i'm wearing hijab, fashionable) for magazines and online boutiques. Do contact me on Twitter @shalovespanda, Facebook: Shahadah Rhine or email me at meluvdolphin@yahoo.com TQ
