I will follow you :)

"The moment someone tells you you're not good enough, is the moment you know you're better than them - Annas Easkey"

Lebaran X: Luvstylista


Luvstylista, another Hijab Boutique which their collections are tremendously beautiful. cewahhhhh! curlass kau maria! lemme start with Bismillah, ok! cerita die cenggini, Luvstylista adalah company yang  menghasilkan rekaan yang sememangnya kalo korang tengok page mereka (Luvstylista) rekaan mereka sangatlah unik, menampilkan koleksi turban dan hijab yang tersangat awesome. why annas cakap macam tu? I wanna know why huh? huh? huh? korang pegi page mereka and you'll know why! lets go!btw, just nak bagitau cik Fatin Suhana kita ni macam sesumpah, muka comel boleh, muka ganas boleh, muka cute boleh! ewahhh! 

untuk shoot kali  ni, kami shoot di The Lourve, yang mana kat sini banyak merpati dua sejoli yang dilamun cinta bagaikan tiada esoknya! ewahhh! stop it annas! next! okeyh2, tema untuk shoot Luvstylista adalah vouge and curlass! eh kau tak habis vouge kan annas. memang vouge. korang jangan pengsan please bila tengok koleksi turban and hijab mereka! tak caya kan? mari. hey ho lets go!

sebelum tu, just nak bagitau. styling, makeup dan photography semua oleh annas. yelah! kami berdua je pegi saya dan special thanks buat arun dan epul yang sememangnya gila2! kami berdua sayang awk berdua! nanti nak buat special entry untuk mereka! next please!
so korang mesti dah mcm excited giler kan? so keep on reading my blog ya! and thank you so much! so much! so much! sebab sudi baca blog ala2 saya ni! hey ho! for more gorgeous turbans and Hijabs, click here :)

please note that all photography is solely own by annas easkey photography and can only be used with strict permission from the artist. it is not allowed to download, to store, to copy, to reproduce, to use or to modify the images in any way, alone or in any other context, without the written permission, phone call or email or inbox to annas easkey in advance

Like means Love! thanks for reading this entry!


  1. styling, make up and photog all by your own , powerrr bro !

  2. raya nanti nak pakai lawa2 cenggini. tapi... bel x pandai make up :( sobs

  3. gojes sangat niii. cantik oh semua design. adore la. ;)

  4. tapi napa fatin pandang atas..... kalau pandang sisi tepi cool sikit :) just opinion :) tapi satu gambar ni memanggggg ohsem !!

    1. mmg sy nak die pandang atas... :) btw thanks

  5. Cun .... Semuanya keran sentuhan mata n klik kamera dr annas

  6. pehhhh,gambo dari jari dan kamera abg annas semua ohsem! :D

  7. Superb!!! Cantik gmbr-gmbr ni :) Macam diva je fatin. X sabar nk tgk coming pictures

  8. Superb la pic abg annas :) x sabar nak tgk coming pictures! Fatin nmpk seperti diva :D

  9. Oh my... Speechless sudah ni. Memang awesome lah hasil kerja annas.! :)

  10. Superb work here...
    I adore your artwork!
    Well done bro! ^_^

  11. Anas, I sangat2 tertarik dgn hasil kerja u...thumbs up...

    Btw, I just wondering, ada apa2 cabaran ke atau halangan u all hadapi masa buat photoshoot muslimah ni? memandangkan Perancis melarang pemakaian hijab? ada pandangan sinis dari orang2 di sana? nampak keberanian u all utk buat photoshoot dekat negara tu...

  12. anas you are too ohsem like seriously and fatin look so gorgeous!congratss anas :)

  13. anas you are just tooo awesome, like seriously!! and patengg is so soo gorgeous+adourable lah hehe congratsss anas, keep it up!
