I will follow you :)

"The moment someone tells you you're not good enough, is the moment you know you're better than them - Annas Easkey"

Homme/Fashion: Bambang Soteto

Hey everyone,

gosh! dah lama gila annas tak shoot Homme fashion and now annas dah start buat balik, for my very first comeback, annas featuredkan Bambang Soteto yang mana beliau merupakan Celebrity Hairstylist! its been a while bambang tak shoot macam ni and die totally excited shoot dengan annas and I was like,  I am excited too man! sebelum shoot annas ada bagitau yang annas ni garang sikit and bambang nailed it! like seriously, annas nak macam ni die buat macam ni annas nak macam tu die ikut je and proud of him! yelah, selalu bende2 macam ni professional model je bole buat! hes a hairstylist and hes cool! so enjoy the photos and more photos coming! hope you people gonna like it! thank you so much for your tremendous support towards my art and photography especially. love you people! keep reading my blog. xo

photographed and makeup by Annas Easkey

please note that all photography is solely own by annas easkey photography and can only be used with strict permission from the artist. it is not allowed to download, to store, to copy, to reproduce, to use or to modify the images in any way, alone or in any other context, without the written permission, phone call or email or inbox to annas easkey in advance

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